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Despite careful control of the contents, we do not assume any liability for the contents of external links. The operators of the linked pages are solely responsible for the content of their pages.

Legal notice

Choice GmbH has prepared its web pages to the best of its knowledge. Nevertheless, it is possible that individual web pages are incomplete, not up-to-date or incorrect. Choice GmbH and its employees assume no liability for the correctness and completeness of the information provided; price changes, availability and general changes are reserved.
In particular, Choice GmbH shall not assume any liability for direct or indirect damage that users or third parties may incur in any way in connection with the use of the Internet and the web pages of Choice GmbH. Choice GmbH expressly reserves the right to modify the web pages at any time.
Other products, services, brands and transactions mentioned on these web pages are protected by contracts with the relevant companies and/or by the companies themselves. They serve Choice GmbH in the performance of its various services. Choice GmbH assumes no liability for the performance of these services by these companies.
Choice GmbH declines to participate in dispute settlement proceedings within the meaning of the VSBG (Consumer Dispute Settlement Act) and is not obliged to participate in such proceedings. You will find further information on the subject of the Consumer Dispute Settlement Act at
Choice GmbH
Thomas-Mann-Strasse 16 - 20
90471 Nuremberg

Phone: +49 911 480499-0

Managing directors: Antonio Pardo, Bego Jasenac
Register court: Local court Nuremberg
Registration number: HRB 19444

VAT identification number according to §27a UStG:

Responsible for content according to §10 III MDStV:
Bego Jasenac (address as above)